, total_fees=R25,152, form_id=491ace0f-9bff-42f9-a290-1cf3e488bfe0, hide_timer=false, priority=1, featured_image=, hs_all_assigned_business_unit_ids=[15947808], module_and_credit_subtext=The programme will be completed over two years. Compulsory modules - 120 credits
Fees quoted are 2024 fees and are subject to an annual increase.
, meta_description=TUT offers a Higher Certificate in Contact Centre Management fully online. Study in your time and pay as you progress., hs_lastmodifieddate=1730812934507, fee_per_credit=± R210, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=2675478009, download_pricing=fcd8d0f7-d85e-4359-b1e9-8a53e42e780c, hs_object_source=IMPORT, hs_object_source_user_id=45390666, applyby=1737072000000, header_bg_image=, total_modules=12, dynamic_page_slug=TUT-HCCCM-Higher-Certificate-in-Contact-Centre-Management, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977}PROUD TO BE… THE PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY
The programme will be completed over two years. Compulsory modules - 120 credits
Fees quoted are 2024 fees and are subject to an annual increase.
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 10
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 11
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 11
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 11
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 11
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 8
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 10
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 12
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 12
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 8
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 8
Total Fees: R2,096
Credits: 8
Fees are payable at the start of each module and payment must be received by the payment deadline to successfully register and start the programme.
* Fees quoted are for 2024. Fees are subject to an annual increase.
All fields are required