{subtext=Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management, redirection_contact_form=https://online.tut.ac.za/tut-rfi-_higher-certificate-in-administrative-information-management, page_title=Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management, university=TUT, description=
The online Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management is designed to provide the skills and competencies needed to succeed in a business environment. Become a sought-after office administrator with skills in office software, problem-solving, presentation and communication. Study the finer details of listening and note-taking, verbal and written skills, the etiquette and ethics of administration, front office duties, and collaboration software. This programme teaches students to provide effective management and operational support.
, download_brochure=e62b84bb-c3fd-4092-a98d-5e07f82ff970, total_offering_credit=120, tostartby=1752451200000, hs_object_source_label=IMPORT, course_type=undergraduate, maintitle=Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management, hs_object_source_id=119624383, hs_created_by_user_id=45390666, hs_createdate=1701932969385, active_course=active, admission_req__title2=Technical requirements, admission_req__title1=Admission requirements, hs_was_imported=true, id=2675541717, credit=120, form_logic=window.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.type === 'hsFormCallback' && event.data.eventName === 'onFormSubmit' && event.data.id === 'a6f6289b-7c65-4ff6-8b64-b7d4abf1b60c') { var do_you_have_a_senior_certificate_or_equivalent_qualification_; var do_you_want_to_study_fully_online_; console.log(event.data); for (item in event.data.data) { if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_a_senior_certificate_or_equivalent_qualification_") { do_you_have_a_senior_certificate_or_equivalent_qualification_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_want_to_study_fully_online_") { do_you_want_to_study_fully_online_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } } setTimeout(function() { if ( do_you_have_a_senior_certificate_or_equivalent_qualification_ === "Yes" && do_you_want_to_study_fully_online_ === "Yes") { window.location = "https://online.tut.ac.za/thank-you"; } else { window.location = "https://online.tut.ac.za/not-qualified"; } }, 3000); console.log(do_you_have_a_senior_certificate_or_equivalent_qualification_); console.log(do_you_want_to_study_fully_online_); } });, admission_req__description2=
To successfully complete your online qualification, you will need:
• A laptop or desktop computer
• A stable internet connection
• To be computer literate
, admission_req__description1=
To apply for this qualification, a student requires:
• A Senior Certificate (before 2008) with a minimum APS of 20 or an equivalent qualification.
• A National Senior Certificate (in or after 2008) with a minimum APS of 20, or a bachelor’s, diploma, or Higher Certificate endorsement, or an equivalent qualification with an achievement level of at least 3 for English (Home Language or First Additional Language).
• A National Certificate (Vocational) with a minimum APS of 20 or a bachelor, diploma, or higher certificate endorsement with at least 40% for English (Home Language or First Additional Language). The certificate must be in any of the following fields: management, marketing, hospitality, tourism, office administration, information technology, computer science, finance, economics or accounting.
, fees_disclaimer=The fees quoted are for 2025 and are subject to an annual increase., meta_title=Administrative Information Management | Online at TUT, headingtext=


, total_fees=R25,980, form_id=a6f6289b-7c65-4ff6-8b64-b7d4abf1b60c, hide_timer=false, priority=02, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/TUT%20Images/2.png, hs_all_assigned_business_unit_ids=[15947808], module_and_credit_subtext=

The programme will be completed over two years. Compulsory modules - 120 credits

Fees quoted are 2024 fees and are subject to an annual increase.

, meta_description=Study towards a Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management and become a sought-after employee. Pay per module and study in your own time., hs_lastmodifieddate=1743068524989, fee_per_credit=± R217, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=2675541717, download_pricing=a01c2fe1-8ed2-4a12-bdde-e23734250b4e, hs_object_source=IMPORT, hs_object_source_user_id=45390666, applyby=1751587200000, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/TUT%20Images/TUT%20Higher%20Certificate%20in%20Administrative%20Information%20Management-1.png, total_modules=12, dynamic_page_slug=TUT-HCAIM-Higher-Certificate-in-Administrative-Information-Management, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977}


Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management

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04 July 2025
14 July 2025


Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management

The online Higher Certificate in Administrative Information Management is designed to provide the skills and competencies needed to succeed in a business environment. Become a sought-after office administrator with skills in office software, problem-solving, presentation and communication. Study the finer details of listening and note-taking, verbal and written skills, the etiquette and ethics of administration, front office duties, and collaboration software. This programme teaches students to provide effective management and operational support.


To apply for this qualification, a student requires:
• A Senior Certificate (before 2008) with a minimum APS of 20 or an equivalent qualification.
• A National Senior Certificate (in or after 2008) with a minimum APS of 20, or a bachelor’s, diploma, or Higher Certificate endorsement, or an equivalent qualification with an achievement level of at least 3 for English (Home Language or First Additional Language).
• A National Certificate (Vocational) with a minimum APS of 20 or a bachelor, diploma, or higher certificate endorsement with at least 40% for English (Home Language or First Additional Language). The certificate must be in any of the following fields: management, marketing, hospitality, tourism, office administration, information technology, computer science, finance, economics or accounting.

To successfully complete your online qualification, you will need:
• A laptop or desktop computer
• A stable internet connection
• To be computer literate

MBA Blog 30092024


The programme will be completed over two years. Compulsory modules - 120 credits

Fees quoted are 2024 fees and are subject to an annual increase.

Total Fees:  R1,670

Credits :  8

The context requires one to pay deliberate attention to aspects of communication, as these pertain to generic communication skills, but specifically to aspects of business communication. The purpose of this module is therefore to build competence relating to team communication in the workplace, organisational communication, verbal skills, writing skills (specifically as these relate to the context of contact centre management), and competence regarding language usage in a larger business context.

Total Fees:  R2,100

Credits :  10

The purpose of the module is to enable students to apply a variety of listening and note-taking skills for academic and professional purposes and use different reading strategies appropriate to the purpose of reading in both an academic and professional environment. They will learn to compose a selection of written texts related to a specific field of study and plan, draft, revise and edit written work for clarity, coherence, style and appropriateness. Students will get the skills to present information orally in a variety of academic and professional situations, such as employment interviews, participation in problem-solving activities, and individual and group presentations related to the intended field of employment.

Total Fees:  R2,510

Credits :  12

This module is designed to equip students with fundamental knowledge of the management functions required to manage the administrative environment effectively. We create an understanding of the nature of management, functions of management and basic management principles that are important for the effective running of an office. On completion, students will be equipped to manage the administrative environment effectively through various management functions.

Total Fees:  R2,510

Credits :  12

The module will provide learners with the competencies required to establish an effective administrative work environment. Learners will acquire the ability to handle administrative activities according to the organisational policies, procedures and systems. The necessary skills to promote professionalism, efficiency, consistency, responsibility, accountability and an ethical climate within the work environment will be acquired. On completion, learners will be equipped with a better understanding of issues of governance and administrative procedures as well as policies in the specific work environment.

Total Fees:  R1,670

Credits :  8

This module will equip learners with the knowledge of the administrative support needed to manage the administrative environment effectively. The understanding of front office duties as well as strategies for handling both internal and external customers. On completion, learners will be equipped with the necessary knowledge of time management techniques. A successful candidate will be equipped with the required knowledge to deal with basic front-office duties in a professional manner. These administrative office support duties include time management, assertiveness, and personal productivity.

Total Fees:  R1,670

Credits :  8

This module will teach students to manage organisational events professionally. This would include the planning, organising, control and budgeting of events organisation. Such events could be meetings, social functions and also national travel arrangements. This module, through the provision of academic and work-integrated learning opportunities, provides learners with a competitive edge. These opportunities expose students to the creative and business aspects of events management providing a foundation for learners to enter employment with applicable skills and relevant knowledge.

Total Fees:  R2,510

Credits :  12

This module provides students with the competency to apply business etiquette in relevant situations. Students will also be equipped with skills to apply ethics and manage conflict to ensure professionalism in the work environment. On completion, students will demonstrate the ability to apply business etiquette in relevant situations. They will be able to apply ethics and manage conflict to ensure professionalism in the work environment.

Total Fees:  R1,670

Credits :  8

The module aims to teach students about the different types of storage devices, emphasising the importance of storing and managing stored files or information. We look at the input and output devices and the importance of distinguishing between the input and input devices as well as output and output devices. The module will address the importance of using the Internet to search for information, the use of Wi-Fi connectivity, and distinguishing between the Internet and the World Wide Web. We will teach the students about the use of different productivity software applications such as Microsoft Word (word processor), Excel (spreadsheet) and PowerPoint (presentations). We will perform troubleshooting in different situations, and acquire fundamental ICT principles of computers in order to excel in the digital world of End User Computing.

Total Fees:  R2,080

Credits :  10

The learner will acquire foundational knowledge on creating presentations with appropriate organisational information in the form of slideshows comprising objects, graphics, and multimedia. It will support the learner’s ability to apply different formatting techniques and modify and edit business presentations. The emphasis of this module is to provide a platform for students to acquire knowledge and skill, and to guide students into the world of work as a contact centre professional. Students will learn how to apply their knowledge to the business world and the contact centre environment in the managerial functions specific to their trade.

Total Fees:  R2,510

Credits :  12

This module includes foundational knowledge regarding data processing with the aim of equipping a learner with sound knowledge associated with the use of spreadsheets, including functionalities, such as formulas, functions, formatting and charts. The collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information is articulated.

Total Fees:  R3,410

Credits :  12

The module provides interdisciplinary skills in the basic competency level of production and productivity (speed typing, keyboarding, VOIP) and word processing applications (e.g. MS Word). The module will also provide foundational knowledge regarding word processing and information processing with the aim of document creation as well as the editing and formatting of content at a production rate according to industry standards. The acquisition, recording, organisation, retrieval, display, protection, and dissemination of information are articulated. The ability to create reports, sales letters, business plans, blogs, web content, forecasts and more at a production rate is introduced. Keyboarding techniques and productivity drills are introduced to assist in increasing the learners’ production and productivity in the workplace. The emphasis on the practical modules is to provide a platform for students where they could be developed to acquire knowledge and to guide students into the world of work as contact centre workers. Students will learn how to apply their knowledge to the business world and the contact centre environment in the managerial functions specific to their trade.

Total Fees:  R1,670

Credits :  8

Foundational knowledge of cloud-based productivity and collaboration applications that integrate business applications in the field of contact centre management is articulated. The module is designed to provide knowledge regarding collaboration and management software by means of an introduction to core functions which include email, calendaring, contact management, and cloud collaboration software.


Fees are payable at the start of each module and payment must be received by the payment deadline to successfully register and start the programme.

* Fees quoted are for 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.


Number of modules: 12


Programme credits: 120


Fees per programme credit: ± R217


Total tuition fees: R25,980


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