FileMetadata{id=194161749181, portalId=26606987, name='TUT Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management-1-2', type='IMG', fileAccess=null, encoding='webp', size=1617168, cloudKey='hubfs/26606987/crm-properties-file-values/TUT%20%20Advanced%20Diploma%20in%20Hospitality%20Management-1-2.webp'}
{subtext=Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management, redirection_contact_form=https://online.tut.ac.za/rfi-advanced-diploma-in-hospitality-management, page_title=Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management, university=TUT, description=

The Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management is an online programme designed to deepen students’ expertise in the financial, legal, and operational aspects of the hospitality industry. Core modules such as Hospitality Financial Management, Hospitality Industry Law, and Service Excellence equip students with the skills to manage finances, understand legal requirements, and excel in customer service. Research Methodology is included to provide essential scientific research skills. Students may choose electives in Accommodation Management or Food and Beverage Management, focusing on managing guest experiences or effective food service operations. This qualification prepares graduates for advanced roles in hospitality management, enabling them to navigate industry challenges with strategic insight.

, download_brochure=cc827a62-6b3c-441e-823a-cde24eed1741, total_offering_credit=120, tostartby=1752451200000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=undergraduate, maintitle=Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management, hs_object_source_id=userId:48203977, hs_created_by_user_id=48203977, hs_createdate=1731914907353, active_course=active, admission_req__title2=Technical requirements, admission_req__title1=Admission requirements, id=36600639680, credit=120, admission_req__description2=
To successfully complete your online qualification, you will need:
• A laptop or desktop computer
• A stable internet connection
• To be computer literate
, admission_req__description1=

To apply for this qualification, a student requires:
• A National Diploma in Hospitality Management
• A Diploma in Hospitality Management
• An equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 that
has a minimum of 360 credits.

, fees_disclaimer=The fees quoted are the provisional fees for 2025, and they may change., meta_title=Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management | Online, headingtext=


, total_fees=R54,820, priority=04, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/TUT%20Images/TUT%20%20Advanced%20Diploma%20in%20Hospitality%20Management.png, hs_all_assigned_business_unit_ids=[15947808], module_and_credit_subtext=

The programme will be completed over two years.                
Compulsory modules - 120 credits

, meta_description=Study towards an Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management. Pay per module as you learn., hs_lastmodifieddate=1743068510038, fee_per_credit=± R452, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=36600639680, download_pricing=7a6954bc-e1e9-443b-bc1d-e88c4e1295dd, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=48203977, applyby=1751587200000, header_bg_image=194161749181, total_modules=7, dynamic_page_slug=TUT-ADHM-Advanced-Diploma-in-Hospitality-Management, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977}


Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management

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04 July 2025
14 July 2025


Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management

The Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management is an online programme designed to deepen students’ expertise in the financial, legal, and operational aspects of the hospitality industry. Core modules such as Hospitality Financial Management, Hospitality Industry Law, and Service Excellence equip students with the skills to manage finances, understand legal requirements, and excel in customer service. Research Methodology is included to provide essential scientific research skills. Students may choose electives in Accommodation Management or Food and Beverage Management, focusing on managing guest experiences or effective food service operations. This qualification prepares graduates for advanced roles in hospitality management, enabling them to navigate industry challenges with strategic insight.


To apply for this qualification, a student requires:
• A National Diploma in Hospitality Management
• A Diploma in Hospitality Management
• An equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 that
has a minimum of 360 credits.

To successfully complete your online qualification, you will need:
• A laptop or desktop computer
• A stable internet connection
• To be computer literate

MBA Blog 30092024


The programme will be completed over two years.                
Compulsory modules - 120 credits

Total Fees:  R8,360

Credits :  20

Analysis of financial aspects in hospitality sectors, focusing on pricing methods, and decision-making in long-term investment. An overview of contemporary issues.

Total Fees:  R4,660

Credits :  20

Law of delict. Legal requirements for the establishment of a hospitality business. Insurance law. Liquor law. Food hygiene legislation. Tobacco legislation. Gambling legislation. Occupational health and safety. Intellectual property law – copyright and trademarks.

Total Fees:  R8,360

Credits :  20

Explore the financial awareness and control in managing hospitality units which are crucial to the success of a hospitality enterprise. Understanding business strategic plans by looking at ways and means concerning proposed investments to determine if a project is feasible or not.

Total Fees:  R6,270 per module

Credits :  15 per module

The purpose of this module is to introduce students to scientific research skills required to compile a basic research proposal for projects within a chosen field in management sciences. This module lays the foundation for reviewing academic literature and selecting appropriate scientific research designs and methods in adherence to ethical research principles for projects within the chosen field.

Total Fees:  R4,180

Credits :  10

Equipping students with a valuable foundation of behavioural knowledge about how people act within an organisation. The insight into people at work in all kinds of organisations will assist the student with skills to manage stiff competition and handle a fast-changing world within an organisation with enduring principles.

Total Fees:  R8,360 per module

Credits :  20 per module

Accommodation Management IV Managing the guest experience through the application of hospitality principles notwithstanding the environmental considerations. Food and Beverage Management IV Apply theoretical understanding of a range of food and beverage operations to contribute to effective planning and decision-making to efficiently and effectively run a food service unit.


Fees are payable at the start of each module and payment must be received by the payment deadline to successfully register and start the programme.

* Fees quoted are for 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.


Number of modules: 7


Programme credits: 120


Fees per programme credit: ± R452


Total tuition fees: R54,820


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